Sunday, November 02, 2008

Art Every Day Month

November is the Art Every Day Month challenge, brought to us by the same lovely spirit that brings us Creative Every Day.

Here's what I made yesterday. It's a mixed media collage on 12" x 16" stretched canvas and the details of the goddess' face are all washed out here; I had to use a flash because it was too cold to take this outside & photograph it under natural light. I may try again tomorrow; this really doesn't do the piece justice.

"Kwan Yin with Extra Molecules"
c. 2008 Miz Annie

Today's offering is still drying.
I may or may not post it tomorrow, depending on whether those horrendous wrinkles dry flat.
Now I am off to finish a paper, and a sewing project, before it's time to head out for a petsit with one of my favorite kitty clients and go pick up the kids.

Hope you are all having a restful Sunday, dear ones.


Jul said...

I had the same flash problem posting today's entry, too. :)

Fun collage!

Leah said...


Tequitia said...

very nice!

Rowena said...

I like this, despite the flash. I love the title. Kwan Yin with extra molecules. It makes me think. Where do all her extra molecules go? Do you have to be a goddess for extra molecules? Do I have extra molecules? Do I have Kwan Yins molecules?

Can you take the picture by a bright window? Do you have a manual white balance or different settings on your camera? My digital has settings for shade and interior light that help different lighting conditions. I'm almost glad I lost my first camera and got this one. Those settings help a lot.

carin.c said...

Great collage! I hate those pesky wrinkles... how does one banish them???

Annie said...

ah, the wrinkles. we need Mod Podge with botox! I think my major issue is impatience - not letting one layer dry before applying another....

and yes! we all have kwan yin's molecules. I think the extra ones take the form of compassion. The ones that don't flake off and end up in our bedclothes, that is...