Friday's offering is not shown here, as i spent my "daily devotions" engrossed in working on a book design for a new book my small press will be releasing in about a month ("Lords willing and the creek don't rise.") I love how it is turning out but don't want to post it anywhere until the book is about to be released. I'll keep you posted! So here are the rest, in reverse order since I last posted:
"Recycling the Mermaid"
c. 2008 Annie Farnsworth
Daily Devotions 13/265
(this started out as a meditation on the Enso - or Japanese
symbol for infinity, or in Zen circles (ha ha) the dharma wheel ...

but what ended up happening is that i couldn't stop grabbing at all those pretty colored Berols and then i somehow had my hands on some recycled bits and pieces. The bits you see here were culled from a Barbie Mermaidia box. Not the minimalist look i had in mind when i started out, but if recycling isn't a perfect circle, what is?

"Driveshaft Groupie"
c. 2008 Annie Farnsworth
Daily Devotions ~ 14/365
this one is likely only funny if you are a fan of the TV show LOST. And even then, it might not be funny. Ah. Well. When you crank one of these out every day you stop worrying whether you're hitting them out of the ballpark or not.

"B & W Lotus Doodle"
c.. 2008 Miz Annie
Daily Devotions ~ 12 /365
This was done on the exact sort of day that I had in mind when i decided to prepare a stack of 4x4" cardboard "bases" for collages ahead of time. I did this propped up in bed with my sore back on a heating pad after a crappy night's sleep and a long shift at the hospital. I didn't even have the energy to color it!

"Serenity Snowmen"
c. 2008 Annie Farnsworth
Daily Devotions ~ 10/365
(This is the last of this year's Pandenominational Holiday
ornaments. Any that I make from this point onward will
be considered part of the 2008 collection.)
I gave the kids "breakfast for supper" tonight (that means pancakes, with yummy boysenberry syrup! woot!) and turning in early again tonight to try to get rid of this naggy headache. My son was home sick from school today with an awful cold (poor kid! he's been catching everything this winter) and i didn't get a heck of a lot done in the home office. But tomorrow's a new day.
And as a HUGE FAN of all things valentine-y and heart-y and lovelovelove I'm pretty excited about this:
Now I am off. I promised my daughter a turn at the computer and I'm off to do today's DD and study a bit before we call it a night.
love and light, all
Miz A
Some fun and lovely things you have here! You may not have much time on your hands but you sure make the most of it.
I'm sorry to hear J was ill yesterday. I hope he is feeling much much better now :-)
Thanks hon! I do try to make the most of every little chunk of time that presents itself to me - sometimes i try a little TOO hard and find myself multi-tasking all over the place.
I will give Jacob a hug and kiss for you ~ thank you for thinking of him. XO
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