Lisa Tenzin-Dolma's new book is a distillation of her explorations into the paths to purpose and fulfilment, and how our perception shapes our reality. These are topics near and dear to me, so I was very excited to make Lisa's acquaintance recently and learn that she is generously sharing a free chapter of her new book Mind and Motivation on her website. If you'd like to read Chapter 1 of Mind & Motivation, entitled 'A Sense of Purpose', check it out at http://www.lulu.com/lisatenzin
It is sure to inspire and, possibly, give you a bit of insight into what you yourself might be unconsciously drawing into your life with your thoughts. If you want to do a fun exercise, follow her instructions for the Life Collage exercise on page 4 of the free chapter. Don't peek ahead at the interpretation until you are all done! It is very interesting to see what the images and their placement can tell you about yourself.
If you have read my blogs at all you already know that I love collage; it is a form adaptable to virtually any size or range of materials, and its potential for use in self-discovery or healing is unlimited. I have run "collage groups" at work wherein I encourage patients to make collages as a cognitive behavior therapy exercise. We talk about how we create our reality with our thoughts and how much of what we experience comes to us through the metaphysical law of abundance: "What you focus on increases." If you are focusing on what is wrong, life will seem overwhelming. If you are focusing on what is right - things will seem much more manageable. Groovy, even. In CBT as well as in Buddhism, a goal is to become mindful of what your thoughts are doing at any given time thereby enabling yourself to more actively choose what you want to focus on. And choosing your focus means choosing your outcome. And that my friends is how collage will save the world. Ta Da! (1)
Here's my (gulp!) collage:
Just as in dream interpretation, the interpretation of collage can tell you what is on your mind, what your hopes and aspirations are, and what "foundations" or past influences are driving your actions at present. Go ahead and try it!
( I showed you mine. Now you show me yours!)
In addition to Mind and Motivation, Lisa has published many other articles and books, including some really luscious-looking books on creating mandalas (another interest of mine!) So stop by and say hello to Lisa!
(1)There, that's my dissertation in a nutshell. That done, think I'll go have a tea and celebrate.
Oh... I just lost the long comment I'd written!
Anyhow, I'm so so glad you blogged about this truly good and inspiring book. I'm using it right now as I'm making important changes in my life.
I know I'm biased, Lisa being such a wonderful friend and kindred spirit, but I consider "Mind and Motivation" a true gift to the world.
thank you for introducing us. :-)
I always wanted to make a collage- your's are so great. I'm going to check out this book on my free weekend between the spring and summer semesters- sounds like it could be rejuvenating!
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