How great it feels to finish a UFO!* This quilt has been "in progress" for a few years... one of those projects you start and then get distracted from, or other projects have to take precedence over and the next thing you know it's shooting you dirty looks from its Tupperware storage in the basement every time you go down to put laundry in, and you feel guilty even glancing in its direction. (I'm not the only one, right?)

So within this quilt are nights of rocking my boy to sleep, reading him stories, cuddling up and watching movies together. There are lots of hugs in this quilt. When he opened the box on Christmas morning and held the quilt up I told him that no matter where he went or where I was, this quilt was my way of making sure he could always have a hug from mom. Jake's a sentimental boy, and totally "got it." Maybe he even got a little teary, but don't tell him I told you.
Don't worry, Santa made sure my son also got electronic gee-gaws and computer gadgets and other manly things. I'm not turning him into a complete sissy-boy.
*(Un-Finished Object)