Wow! Last night for the heck of it I clicked on "Treasury" on Etsy and was amazed that there was room for me to put one up! If you have an Etsy shop, putting together a treasury is a great way to show your support for fellow artists and, if you can get enough people clicking on it to check it out, bring some attention to not only their shops but yours too, as the "curator." I have tried to snag a treasury before, to no avail, as there are only so many slots available and the chance to enter a new one only occurs when the list is down below 333. Apparently, thousands of eager crafters stand (probably sit) ready to jump at the chance to enter a new treasury, because the number will be 333 and then you hit "refresh" and it will say "sorry, treasury is full" and the list will have 571 or some ridiculous number of treasuries. In other words, it's like trying to dial in to win a radio station prize, or hitting the lotto! But that's exactly what happened last night and since I've had my treasury list put together & ready to go for weeks, I input it PRONTO.
My list features all Maine artists; my nod to all my fellow crafters keeping their creative juices flowing in spite of this cold, snow-laden Maine winter! I think we have a reputation for making lighthouse coasters and kitschy Moose items (you can go to Google and do a search and find sources for authentic moose poop earrings, I kid you not), but as Dirtgirl Pottery (see her groovy Tan and Turquoise Retro Circles Ceramic Pendant at the top upper right) said, "No moose poop, blueberries, lobsters, potatoes or lighthouses here!"
Anyhow, please click the photo and visit us on Etsy. The more hits we get the higher on the list we land, which means more visibility and more possible sales. Woooot!
Now that I know that getting a treasury list is possible, I'm putting together another list, this time as a nod to my fellow EtsyMoms. So if I "hit the lotto" again, I'll be ready!
Well done on securing a much-wanted slot and featuring your Treasury. Some wonderful stuff there!!!
Thanks Chantie!
I was wondering what the Treasury was...I'll have to check it out.
You're invited!!!!
What: A Blog Party
Where: http://daydreamstudios.blogspot.com/2008/02/welcome-to-my-humble-blog.html
When: Now thru next Tuesday
Why: Becuase I made it to 100 posts (wasn't sure I'd make it past 3)
Time: My blog never sleeps, so come when you can.
Who: You of course, bring a friend too.
P.S.: I have a present to give away!
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