Monday, December 31, 2007

last blog of '07

Well as 2007 wraps up, here's what it looks like here at the Magic Cottage:

We woke up this morning to the sound of the "plow guy," who is very loyal and has never once, in the 7 years I've lived here, left me snowed in. We were, however without power. So much snow fell during the night that all over town, tree branches are breaking under the weight of the snow, and apparently some are dropping on and snapping the power lines.

We got our power back late this morning, I had time to make coffee & get the kids up and dressed and fed before the power went out again. Came back on before I started pulling my hair out hearing "I'm bored," and "What can I do?" too many billion times.

Those of you celebrating in exciting and far-off locales, my best to you! Don't feel sorry for us back-woods New England folk, however, as we have our own celebrations that are every bit as shiny and meaningful as a ball dropping in Times Square.

I won't be whooping it up too much tonight since I have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn (not that 4:15am even qualifies as dawn), to go in to work. Us per diem employees will be covering for all those employees who actually get holidays off, so think of me fondly as you pop your Tylenol and nurse your hangovers.

For me, personally, 2007 was full of challenges, changes, and delightful surprises. I started out the year with a permanent part time job at the hospital and attending nursing classes at SMCC. By spring I had changed gears and decided that I wanted to change my focus from nursing to counseling and started taking courses at USM as an unmatriculated student in the master's in counseling program. A mid-year custody change found me having to quit my permanent part-time job to go per diem, take care of the children full time, and drop back and punt with the plans for school. Having to take a semester off when I felt I'd finally decided "what I want to do when I grow up" – was a frustrating time punctuated with lots of financial question marks. But like so many things that on the surface seem to suck donkey balls, this challenging time actually forced me to take stock and really decide what was important to me. I am very happy to say that as I type this I have just been accepted into a low-residency Master's in Counseling and Psychology program and couldn't be more thrilled about it. My credits from the other school even transferred. I just received a bunch of my textbooks today (save money by ordering used on!) and I can't wait to get started.

Just as I did during 2006, I made a piece of art nearly every day during 2007. I call these my "Daily Devotions." This has become such a habit that I don't think I'll even bother making a formal resolution of it for 2008. It has simply become part of what I do and who I am. The difference for 2008, I think, is that I will make more of an effort to share my work, whether that's having cards printed up, setting up a new website for my artwork, or simply listing more items in my Etsy shop.

I want to wish everyone Peace and Prosperity in the New Year! We have three hundred and sixty five shiny brand new days heading our way. Let's enjoy them, use them for the good, and not take a single one of them for granted.

with love and light from your adoring friend,
Miz Annie

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Snow Day Meme!

I've been meaning to start blogging on this site rather than posting on the Myspace blog. Not exclusively, of course, cuz I heart my Myspace friends, but as a more personal space. I originally opened this blog as a sort of "back-up" to the Myspace blog, because 1. Myspace occasionally crashes and you "lose" everything, and 2. there is a definite "feel" to myspace that isn't always conducive to stuff I want to talk about. Eblogger seems to be a "kinder, gentler" community and that's where I'd like to start spending more time. I also plan to start documenting more of my creative adventures, and this seems to be a more appropriate place for that as well. That said, what better way to start off than by responding to a tag! She Who Flies tagged me for a meme, so here it is:

8 Things I Am Passionate About

  • creating & maintaining a comfortable home for my family
  • pickles, olives, bread, and cheese.
  • living mindfully, thoughtfully, and on-purpose
  • honoring life as creation by doing something creative (no matter how seemingly small) every day (hence, my "Daily Devotions")
  • helping others, particularly as regards mental health
  • Animals. Pets, domesticated, wild…doesn’t matter. I’m passionate about all aspects of sharing the planet with our animal brethren.
  • Continuing to learn and grow as a person. (what a dumb expression: "as a person!" As opposed to what? learning and growing as a wheelbarrow? a helicopter? I mean duh. My new year’s resolution is going to be to not say that again. Ever.)
  • BOOKS. That overlaps and intertwines with all the other stuff.

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

  • Travel more.
  • Be completely free of debt.
  • Learn how to do at least one decent dance that you can do at a function like a wedding or company party or something. The "Lawn Sprinkler" doesn’t count. I mean, I can’t even do the electric slide! How lame!
  • Make a living from my creativity.
  • Publish a book that inspires and/or helps people.
  • Create a home that is a haven (I stole that one from Chantie) I love my magic cottage but it is not quite a haven yet for all occupants.
  • Let all the people I love know that I do.
  • Clean out the basement. Literally and metaphorically.

8 Things I Say Often

  • "I love you."
  • "I’m so proud of you." (to my kids. I don’t feel proprietary enough to say it to anyone else)
  • "Get off the counter."
  • "Go lay down." (I know that’s grammatically incorrect. It should be "Go LIE down," but my dog doesn’t recognize that as a legitimate command.)
  • "Here are your choices."
  • "Everything happens for a reason."
  • "It is what it is."
  • Three way tie between: "goddamn it," "shit!" and "crap!"

8 Books I Have Recently Read

  • The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold (much different than I expected, charming but surprisingly gritty).
  • The Raw Shark Texts, Steven Hall (FREAKY!!)
  • Life of Pi, Yann Martel (poignant, haunting)
  • Tears of the Giraffe, Alexander McCall Smith (lovely and entertaining, sequel to below)
  • The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, Alexander McCall Smith (lovely and entertaining)
  • The Mistress of Spices, Chitra Divakaruni (in that same vein of literary magic as Marquez or Allende, charming!)
  • To Say Nothing of the Dog, Connie Willis (possibly one of my all-time favorite reads. Right up there with The Time Traveler’s Wife, which was a favorite from last year…hmmm, I see a theme…..).
  • The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman (I read it, I SWEAR, before I even KNEW the movie was coming out. The book is completely magical.)

8 Songs I Could Listen To Over and Over Again

  • Big Log, by Robert Plant
  • Wordless Chorus, by My Morning Jacket
  • Chocolate Lovely, by Amon Tobin
  • Pick Up by Bonobo
  • Who Am I? by Peace Orchestra
  • Destiny by Zero 7
  • Butterflies by Sia
  • Bright Eyes - The Swell by Kunek
  • honorable mentions go to:
    Superfreak, by Rick James
    and anything by K.C. and the Sunshine Band. LOL!!! I am only half kidding.
    {wow. this is hard! I felt like I was leaving so many good ones out!}

8 Things That Attract Me To My Best Friends

  • Open-mindedness, particularly as regards matters of spirituality/metaphysics, human rights
  • Kindness
  • Sense of humor and ability to laugh at life
  • Creativity – doesn’t matter what kind!
  • Some sense of purpose to life
  • Lack of Eeyore mentality
  • Ability to put up with me and my quirks
  • Willingness to agree with everything I say and give me lots of presents. (kidding, people! I kid!)

8 People Who Should Totally Do This Meme