Below is the "Tangerine Dream" quilt i blogged about previously. I am so proud of it! I love that it features some gorgeous vintage prints in the middle and then makes use of some de-stash materials given to me by another quilting friend. One person's de-stash is another person's "Oh that's exactly what i need for a border!"
Next up is another vintage jobbie - a lovely pink & blue checkerboard patchwork, this one is made of re-purposed fabric, in the classic "waste not, want not" fashion. If you look close you can see from the bottom photo that whomever made this quilt very carefully pieced the checkerboard fabric so that the grain is every-other and forms a herringbone pattern. Please check out this item in my shop, it would make a gorgeous bedspread for a girl's room or cottage-y guest room.
And finally, the Garden Patch quilt that I also bragged - er.... blogged about earlier. I love that my mom and I both had a hand in this one. Also, it's the perfect size for bringing along when you visit friends or relatives with le bebe - just spread it out on the floor and let baby play. :-)

These are going fast (thanks to an unseasonably cold New England autumn!) so if you are interested in any of these, snap 'em up!
COMING SOON: I just got in a great lot of vintage clothing, just in time for Halloween! Check back soon!