Well, they surprised me. And they brought power tools. See the Personal Inferno blog if you don't know what the flip I'm talking about. Just another example of the universe giving you exactly what you ask for, so it's a good idea to make sure you are specific.
In his book Manifest Your Destiny, Dr. Wayne Dyer writes, "Bringing things into the physical world is a process that we call creation. What we create involves the use of the same power in all that is created. It is only a matter of degree. There is absolutely no difference in the power that brings anything from the world of waves into the world of particles, and the power that brings your thoughts or mental pictures into form. I encourage you to reread that previous sentence and commit it to memory."
One of the things Dr. Dyer talks about is how everything we ever desired is really ours for the taking, if we only allow ourselves to receive what we truly desire. And to do that, we must believe that we deserve what we truly desire. For example if you want that new job, make sure you allow yourself to envision the one you REALLY want, not the crappy one your lower self thinks is all you "deserve."
Don't get me wrong. I'm still grateful my house didn't burn down. I'm grateful that giant tree that fell across my parking lot at work missed my car by inches. But I'm wondering what message I'm sending the universe that I deserve to live in a world of "near misses." That I'm content with a life spent merely avoiding disaster. What am I telling myself, that I can't have joy free and clear? hmmmm. Worth pondering.
As a metaphysical experiment, I am going to set some new intentions. Clearer ones.
Care to join me?